For some people sneakers are just shoes. But many treat their Yeezys, Nikes, and Air Jordans as genuine treasures and are investing a lot of money and time in them. If you are reading this blog, chances are you are at least a sneakerhead in the making. So let’s take a closer look at how technology can help with building up a collection of these wearable limited edition items. We’ll discuss what sneaker bots are, how to get them and how proxies fit into the sneaker world.

What Is a Sneaker Bot?
Of course, you can go old school and stand in line waiting to purchase the desired sneakers on the drop day. Chances of success, however, might be limited. Too many factors need to coincide: you have to be in the right place at the right time, and the sizes left need to match yours.
In the digital space, the initial chances are better. Nevertheless, to get the desirable pair, not even mentioning several pairs, one needs to move quickly with their search and purchase. Automated assistance through botting improves the success rate significantly.
Sneaker bot is a computer program created to make purchases at specific sneaker stores. It automatically follows the set of instructions allowing it to find the drop, get in line, and complete the full checkout process much faster than any real person could ever do. Furthermore, it can avoid limitations set by the stores for the number of pairs one person could get.
Also, many online stores are using a raffle system. This means that those willing to buy an item first enter into the raffle and only chosen customers can proceed with the purchase. Sneaker bot can get into the raffle numerous times. This results in copping (i.e. buying during a limited-edition release from an online sneaker retailer) the desired pair from the comfort of your home instead of long hours of waiting in line.

What Sneaker Bot Does?
Most sneaker bots work on tasks. These are instructions given to the bot: which stores to visit, what pair and sizes to pick. To let the user cop multiple pairs, the bot can run multiple tasks at once. The tasks kick in when the drop actually happens. Not to miss this moment, the sneaker bot will monitor the site. This means it will automatically reload the page until the right moment for the tasks to get actioned. If you are interested in purchasing multiple pairs, bots for sneakers can accommodate this by also creating several billing profiles. All you need to do is to have several virtual cards ready and multiple (or slightly changed) delivery addresses. Advanced sneaker bots also include a CAPTCHA Harvester. This tool allows for avoiding botting preventer mechanisms set by the websites.
What are the Main Ways to Get a Sneaker Bot?
The sneaker bot market is booming with hundreds of options available. But the best sneaker bots are limited edition only, hard to find, and often out of stock, just like the sneakers, they help to purchase. There are two ways you can gain all the benefits of the bots for sneakers: to buy one or to rent one.
To Buy a Sneaker Bot
There are two main ways for purchasing a bot for sneakers: to get one from the retailer or on the aftermarket. Through the first channel, bots might rarely be in stock but it doesn’t mean they are impossible to get. Here are some suggestions that can help with the sneaker bot purchase through both channels.
- Tips and tricks for buying a bot
Utilise social media. Follow bots’ accounts on Twitter and relevant channels on Discord. Usually, developers announce the restock on these platforms. Social media dashboards like TweetDeck can make monitoring such news more convenient.
Join a cook group. A cook group is a community or group chat where sneaker enthusiasts help each other with their sneaker copping. This includes release monitors which will swiftly alert of bots restock. Usually, such groups can be found on Discord. There you can also find advice on the improvements of botting performance, sneaker reselling, and much more. Some bot developers even make exclusive deals with cook groups for group buys.
Join a restock group. These groups specifically focus on sneaker bot restocks and feature dedicated monitors and useful information for getting the required software directly from the retailer.
Get an auto-fill. Once you spot the restock of the sneaker bots you’ll need to act quickly to get ahead of the competitors. This means your credit card details need to be ready to go. An auto filler can save precious seconds of inputting this information.
- Places to buy a shoe bot
The direct purchases from the developers can be done through their official sites. The restock patterns can differ.
The aftermarket, or a secondary market, is the place where you can buy and resell a sneaker bot. Most popular platforms for such interactions include BotBroker and BotMart, as well as Twitter, Reddit, and Discord cook groups.
If you decide to buy a bot from an individual, it is recommended to use a middleman to avoid any scams. In this case, the transaction between buyer and seller goes through a third party. The middleman receives the bot from the seller, checks that it works properly and is legit, and transfers it to the buyer once the payment is received by the seller.
It is also a good practice to ask for a Discord account when buying a sneaker bot. The license key for the software is usually bound with the Discord account. This means that the scammer can revoke access to the bot once the payment is received. Receiving an account along with the bot itself helps to avoid that. It also facilitates the reset of the key if you need to utilize a bot on another device. The alternative option is to search for the bots which can be unbound from the original account and linked up with another one.
- How much does it cost to buy a sneaker bot?
The prices can vary. The retail prices can be from $100 to $500. The price on the aftermarket can increase significantly, especially following a particularly successful round of purchases. They can be in the spectrum of several thousand dollars. There are also periodical renewal fees, e.g. every 3 months, 6 months or yearly.
To give you a gist:
Wrath AIO from the retailer costs $350 for the first 3 months with a renewal fee of $50 each following month. On the BotBroker aftermarket, it costs $4800.
Cybersole from the retailer costs £300 with a monthly renewal fee of £50. On BotBroker offers start from £1900.
Prism AIO from the retailer costs $400 with a renewal fee of $150 for 3 months. On BotBroker offers start from $250 for the bots with the renewal date quickly approaching.
To Rent a Sneaker Bot
You don’t always have to buy a bot, renting gives an opportunity to get the desired pair with fewer expenses and to test any bot before purchasing.
- Tips and tricks for renting a bot
Select a trustworthy platform for renting. Check the references about the service or an individual you want to rent your sneaker bot from. It’s always a good idea to use a middleman for transactions to protect yourself from scammers.
Listen to the buzz about the bot. Like buying bots, you can get lots of information about the sneaker bot and the seller from the reviews and comments on Discord and Twitter.
- Places to rent a shoe bot
The most popular platforms for renting a bot for sneakers are Whop, BotMart, Splashstation, and Tidal. Twitter, Reddit, and cook groups on Discord can also be good sources.
- How much does it cost to rent a sneaker bot?
Of course, the price of bots renting fluctuates depending on the upcoming drops on the horizon. On days without any significant releases, the cost might be around several dollars. For example, the daily rent of Wrath AIO on Whop costs from $7 to $34 in May 2022, Cybersole and Kodai AIO can be rented for $7 a day.
The Best Sneaker Bots to Buy or Rent
There are various types of sneaker bots. Some are targeting specific platforms and brands, like Nike bots, Supreme bots, and Mesh bots. Others are more inclusive and called all-in-one (AIO) bots. The name might be confusing a bit as it doesn’t automatically mean they’ll be successful with every website all around the globe. It is worth checking the bot’s documentation to make sure it works on the sites you intend to use.

Here are the main sneaker bot types:
Nike bots. Nikes are in high demand and are using raffles for their drops. This makes it more difficult to cop. The sneaker bots developers usually create software specifically targeted for this producer. Among such bots are Project Enigma, Linear AIO, and uSNKRS.
Adidas / Yeezy bots. The Demandware platform hosts Adidas and YeezySupply websites. These sites also use a raffle approach to determine those able to buy from their new drop. To buy Adidas and Yeezy sneakers one can use all-in-one bots. The most popular bots are Wrath AIO, Trickle, and Nike Shoe Bot.
Supreme bots. Those interested in Supreme drops can use dedicated bots like MEKPreme or a few AIO bots with Supreme support, for example, Kodai AIO.
Shopify bots. The Shopify platform hosts numerous sneaker websites. They have recently upgraded their anti-botting measures, but it is still possible to use this software. Among the most popular AIO bots compatible with the platform are MEKAIO, Balkobot, and Prism.
Footsites bots. Despite recent improvements of the anti-botting measures on this platform hosting Footlocker, EastBay, ChampsSports, and Footaction sites, they are still easy to bot. Among sneaker bots that can be recommended for this target are Kodai AIO, Wrath AIO, and NikeShoeBot.
AIO bots. If you want to keep your options open in terms of the platforms and the brands targeted, all-in-one sneaker bots are the best solution. The list of trustworthy bots includes Wrath Bot, Prism Bot, Kodai AIO, Balkobot, and NSB.
Why Proxies are Important for Sneaker Botting?
As you might have already noticed, just getting a bot might not be enough for succeeding in the sneaker game. Proxies are an important stepping stone in achieving the desired pair and should not be overlooked.
Proxies are a protective wall between the user’s device and the targeted website. They hide the user’s real IP address, which is like an ID card of the device, and substitute it with another one. Such an approach facilitates better privacy and security and also helps avoid IP bans and overcome geolocation and other restrictions set by the websites.
Usually, proxies are not included with the sneaker bot, but they allow using your own. And we strongly recommend you use one. Sneaker bots execute numerous tasks simultaneously. Such an activity coming from one IP address triggers a warning on the website and results in IP bans. This means that all the efforts of getting a sneaker bot will go to waste. Quality residential proxies can be a solution for the mitigation of this risk. While using such proxies, your IP will be substituted by the IPs of other real users from different locations, so the website will not be prompted to block potential buyers and you have a much better chance of checking out those sneakers. The additional feature of proxies is that they are compatible with all the sellers’ websites. There are even free proxies available, but after investing so much effort we suggest you weigh pros and cons of free vs. paid proxies and choose the latter.
Despite all the efforts, getting a sneaker bot doesn’t guarantee you’ll be able to cop wanted sneakers. However, it does increase your chances. The saying “the practice makes perfect” is accurate for this case as well — learning the ropes is required and repetition will lead to success.
This post was originally published on SOAX blog.